For Our Parish.
For Our State.
For Our Future.
Ray’s number one concern is serving our
families and our future.
Named “Outstanding Legislator” by Louisiana Family Forum
Prioritized Protecting, Restoring, and Preserving Louisiana’s Coast
Consistently Voted With the People of District 103

Successful Businessman
Qualified Attorney
Proven Voice of the People

Ray Garofalo is a commercial developer and business attorney currently in his third term as State Representative from District 103. Now, he wants to serve us in the State Senate, filling a soon-to-be vacant seat in District 1, which covers much of St. Tammany, St. Bernard, and a small portion of Orleans Parish
District 1 is one of the largest Senate Districts in the state and encompasses most of coastal southeast Louisiana from the Mississippi River to the Mississippi State line.
Fully aware that Louisiana consistently rates negatively as first or second in the nation for auto insurance rates, Ray has consistently introduced measures to lower rates. Beginning in 2016 as Chairman of the House Civil Law & Procedure Committee, Ray championed civil justice tort reform, working to reduce auto and property insurance rates. In the midst of another insurance crisis now, Ray is proposing measures to lower rates to protect your investments and our economy.
Appointed as Chairman of the House Education Committee in 2020, Ray’s focus quickly turned to improving the education environment for our children. Ray knows that education is the foundation for everything in life – including economic development that benefits every community. He continues to fight for higher education standards and pushes back hard against indoctrination in the classroom.

Ray won the State House position in 2011, went on to reelection in 2015, and in 2019 without opposition
Ray’s experience is vast and diverse, and he serves or has served on these House standing committees:
- House Education Committee, Chairman
- House Civil Law and Procedure Committee, Chairman
- Natural Resources and Environment Committee
- Judiciary Committee
- Health and Welfare Committee
- Criminal Justice Committee
In addition to his standing committee assignments, Ray serves or has served on these ad-hoc committees:
- Disaster Recovery Oversight Committee, Chairman
- Louisiana State Law Institute Council
- House Leadership Committee
- House Executive Committee
- Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) Finance Corporation
- The Governor’s Advisory Commission on Coastal Protection, Restoration and Conservation
- Joint BP Claims Oversight Committee
- Southern States Energy Board
- Louisiana International Gulf Transfer Terminal (LIGTT) Board
Beyond his assignments in the House, Ray is Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of the Louisiana Conservative Caucus, an elected member of the Republican State Central Committee, State Chairman for the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and represents Louisiana in the Assembly of State Legislatures.
Ray fought to prevent closure and for rapid reopening of businesses forced to close during COVID, and fought mandatory vaccinations. He singularly led the effort to bring state high school athletic administrators and state health officials to the table and developed a plan to save the 2020 high school football season.
Ray is a strong proponent of business development, a Constitutional originalist who fights to protect our nation’s values and is a proven problem solver who focuses on the big picture when formulating policy.

Among Ray’s numerous awards, he has been honored by these organizations:
- Louisiana Family Forum, “Outstanding Family Advocate”
- Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI), “Most Valuable Policymaker”
- Coastal Conservation Association, “Conservation Champion”
- Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools
Ray is a member of the Louisiana State Bar Association, St. Bernard Parish Chamber of Commerce, St. Tammany Parish Chamber of Commerce, and former member of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry, and National Federation of Independent Businesses, and he has held memberships in the Kiwanis Club and the St. Bernard Wetlands Foundation. He currently serves as President of the St. Bernard Parish Industrial Development Board. He is a graduate of Holy Cross High School, Loyola University New Orleans, and Loyola University New Orleans College of Law. Ray is married to the former Joan Seibert, and is the father of three adult children.
Ray’s Priorities
Ray leans on direct input from his constituents to determine how he votes on issues concerning education, taxes, government spending, coastal restoration, and our local economy.
Ray shares our conservative values that has made St. Tammany and St. Bernard parishes great places to live and raise a family. That’s why he’s earned a reputation for fighting to protect our values

When 67% of District 103 constituents said parents should have more control over their children’s public education and supported more School Choice with the opportunity for Charter Schools, Ray voted for legislation that accomplished that.
When 71% said they believe the state’s Common Core curriculum was hurting our children and had unrealistic testing standards and teacher evaluations, Ray supported legislation that made changes.
When 76% said the TOPS Scholarships needed to be protected to help parents afford a college education for our high school grads, Ray again stepped up to the plate and voted to save the program, as well as sparing our state universities and our local Nunez Community College from major budget cuts.
Taxes & Government Spending
When 74% said we pay too much in taxes, Ray voted against every increase in income taxes, business taxes and regular sales taxes. He also voted for budgets that cut spending and reduced the size of state government – just as he promised four years ago he would do if elected.
Coastal Restoration
84% of the people of District 103 have said they believe in a coastal restoration plan that combines having projects involving dredging and river diversions – a basic necessity for hurricane protection. That’s exactly what Ray has supported based on research provided by the nation’s leading coastal restoration experts.
Jobs & The Economy
83% said protect jobs and support legislation that would help our state and local economy grow. Ray voted against all legislation that would have hurt business owners by resulting in higher taxes, leading to company cutbacks and layoffs. He also sponsored legislation that creates the St. Bernard Economic Development Commission that will enable the parish to secure grants and state funding to attract new businesses and industry. In other words… jobs.
Several organizations that work to help businesses grow and create jobs have given Ray their top rating in the House of Representatives.
Ray has been a huge supporter of the local film industry which has resulted in hundreds of new jobs in St. Bernard and has increased business for local merchants.
Four Point Crime Plan
First: Target the Five Percent of Criminals who are responsible for 50 percent of violent crimes. Targeting this small cohort of high-frequency offenders can substantially reduce violent crime rates.
Second: Go After Drug Dealers and Gun-Toting Felons. These criminals are linked to many violent crimes, especially homicides. These are the people who are not only likely to kill but to be killed.
Third: Unite Cops and Prosecutors. Our justice system needs to work together to discuss targets, timing of arrests, and legal issues like whether a search warrant is required. When prosecutors and police are hostile towards one another, criminals win.
Fourth: Keep the Bad Actors in Jail. According to the United States Sentencing Commission, once prison sentences get to five years in length, the longer the prison sentence, the less likely the criminal will commit another crime.